General Book Sale Information

Book donations will be accepted at the Bernardsville Middle School loading dock from Monday to Thursday, July 22 – 25 and Monday, July 29, from 9 to 3. Donors should be encouraged to drop off book donations during this period.  However, if donors need to drop off books before 7/22, books can be dropped off at Bonnie Gould’s garage, 4 Valley View Drive, Basking Ridge 07920 any time after 7/1. Donors should call or text Bonnie first at 908-285-8385. As a rule, reference sets, encyclopedias, magazines, textbooks, VHS, records or cassette tapes will not be accepted. CDs and DVDs will be accepted.

Book prices will remain the same. Books, both hardcover and softcover, in the main room will be sold at $1.00 (except the smaller children’s books will be sold at 50 cents or 25 cents). Single CDs and small paperback fiction (Pocketbooks) will be sold at 50 cents and DVDs will be sold for $1.00. If there is more than one disc in a set, it is still $1.00 for each DVD, e.g. 3 discs in a set is $3.00. Premium sets as marked. On the first day, Thursday, August 1, there will be a 25% premium on books in the main room.  Rare and choice books in the separate room are priced individually and are not subject to the first day 25% premium and are paid for and the bag stapled before leaving the Choice area. 

There is no admission charge to attend our book sale.  Admission numbers will be handed out starting at 9:00 am to determine entry order for the long line that always forms on the morning of the first day of the sale. 

We send out reminder post cards to all members and past community adult and student volunteers in June.  

Plans are well underway. Many of our usual book sale jobs are already filled with volunteers from our planning meetings held throughout the year. We still have empty volunteer slots.  Sorting our donated books is KEY to making our Book Sale the big success that it is.  Our sorting effort transforms tables full of used books into an interesting book store experience.  If we received a donated book that someone particularly wants, it is highly likely they will be able to find it without too much searching.  

Call or text Teri Passarello (908-313-8421) or Bonnie Gould (908-285-8385) if you have questions or need more information as to what you might be able to do.

Teri Passarello and Bonnie Gould

2024 Book Sale Coordinators

Welcome to the Somerset Hills Branch of AAUW

AAUW (National) is the oldest women’s organization in the USA. The AAUW mission is to advance equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, and research. The Somerset Hills branch of AAUW has general meetings and various interest groups. Our major fundraiser is our annual used book sale.

In order to get the most out of the AAUW experience, all members, even new ones, are encouraged to participate on committees, in group activities and as book sale volunteers.